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Sound & Yoga Journey

The Chapel (downstairs), Portslade Community Centre

Yoga, Cacao, Sound Bath & Healing


Sunday 27th October: 14.00 -18.00

Join Maria Nayler and Lucy Small for a deep dive into movement and sound. Amazing acoustics in the heart of Portslade, East Sussex

Maria Nayler

Maria Nayler is a professional recording artist/song writer whose career spans over 30 years, selling over 30 million records world wide. A certified voice coach, sound therapist and voice practitioner, Maria has extensive training in voice and frequency medicine. Having travelled the globe, researching ancient sounds, songs, prayers and mantra. 

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The Sound

Maria holds a nurturing and magical space, weaving together her love of music, people and the land, with a lightness of spirit that invites us all to meet and welcome ourselves as we are. After a short Introduction to how sound vibration works in the body and setting our intentions, the experience begins with each person lying down or seated comfortably. Through the tapping of Tibetan bowls, a deep sense of relaxation is induced whilst guided by Maria’s voice. The full experience is filled with different sounds and frequencies, introduced in succession. Different soundscapes are created by a variety of overtone-emitting instruments including Tibetan bowls, ocean drum, tam tam gong, phase drum, monochord, chimes, and voice. Get ready to go deep...

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Yoga Movement with Lucy Small

Exploring a variety of traditional yoga asanas and breathwork, the practice will include mindful flows and "sahaja"- spontaneous, intuitive, natural movement. Yoga teacher Lucy Small will encourage you to go at your own pace and can support you with optional, gentle hands-on assists. A thoughtful music playlist, created carefully by Lucy, will enhance the ebbs and flows of the class. A deep journey in to movement and sound...

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The Space

The Chapel, at Portslade Community Centre is situated downstairs within the building and boasts beautiful, high ceilings and wonderful acoustics. With underflooring heating to boot, get ready to get cosy this Autumn...



 * yoga movement and breathwork practice

 * sound bath & guided meditation

 * ceremonial caco & g/f, v/g snack

Please bring:

 * yoga mat

 * blanket

 * eye mask (optional)

Cost: £65 earlybirds/ £75 after 1st October​
To book or if you have any questions, please email:

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